Intellectual Property, Commercial & Business Secrets, Commercial Reputation
Protecting all aspects of intellectual property rights (copyright, trademarks, designs, patents and reputation), registering and licensing intellectual property and its commercial realization are all critical issues for many of our firm’s clients.
Gideon Koren & Co. provides professional advice for its clients within this complex field of practice, as part of the firm’s One Stop Shop approach.
The firm specializes in all of the different aspects of intellectual property, and assists its clients in planning and managing their IP rights. The firm handles matters of intellectual property violation and misuse, and provides high-quality legal advice to help ensure optimal protection for the fruit of its client’s hard work.
In addition, the firm advises its clients on proper use of third parties’ intellectual property. As part of its services within this field, Gideon Koren & Co. assists its clients with planning and executing complex transactions such as licensing, joint ventures, co-operation agreements and transactions requiring intellectual property acquisition.